This Week in History

Here is what you might not be thinking about this week.

Tuesday Nov. 24 is the anniversary of D.B. Cooper hijacking a plane and parachuting away with $200,000 (1971).

On the same date, the Origin of Species was published in 1859.  Extra credit if you can name the author.

Friday Nov. 27 is the birthday of Jimi Hendrix (1942) and Michael R. Currie (1952).  The next day, Saturday November 28, is the birthday of J.S. Leibowitz (1962).  If you know what name he uses now, why not drop him a line?  If you don’t, try Googling Jon Stewart.

Charles H. Ashton, MS
Ashton Indexing
Member, American Society for Indexing

Index. See Ashton Indexing (

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